Everyone is welcome to join the Mattapoisett Library Book Discussion Group in welcoming author Margot Livesey on Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00 pm to discuss her novel Eva Moves the Furniture. The novel is a captivating story of a young girl who is visited by two ghost “companions” throughout her life, a woman and a girl, and isn’t always sure if they are there to comfort her or otherwise. Set in Scotland, this heartfelt tale captivates and challenges readers’ sense of reality.
The discussion will be via Zoom, and those wishing to participate should email spizzolato@sailsinc.org to receive the meeting invitation link.
The library is welcoming Margot Livesey again, as she was very well received in 2009 when she read from her novel Banishing Versona as the speaker at the Friends Annual Meeting.
Her new novel The Boy in the Field has just been published and she will be giving the group a preview.
Livesey is the author of eight novels, one collection of stories, and a work of nonfiction. She has taught at numerous writing programs and universities, and resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts. According to the author Alice Sebold, “Every novel of Margot Livesey’s is, for her readers, a joyous discovery. Her work radiates with compassion and intelligence and always, deliciously, mystery.”
This virtual program is part of the Purrington Lecture Series sponsored by the Mattapoisett Library Trust.