The monthly meetings of the American Legion Florence Eastman Post 280 will resume Wednesday, September 18 at the Post Hall at 3 Depot Street at 7:00 pm. The monthly meetings will continue through June 2014 on the third Wednesday of each month.
The meeting for September will cover the normal monthly reports and will also review the extremely successful First Annual Clam Boil held at Shipyard Park in July. The boil was strongly supported by the residents of our town and definitely should become an annual event for the post.
Our next event will be the Annual Veteran’s Day observance held at Old Hammondtown School on November 11 of each year. Plans are in place and we hope for the usual strong turnout by our supporters.
The last item will cover the furnace project that, thanks to several donations and the success of the boil, is within $1,000 of our $4,900 goal. A date for the installation, preferably in early October, will also be discussed.
As usual, our hall is available for rental and is perfect for weddings and baby showers, as well as any gathering of up to 75 guests. The meetings are always brief and to the point. Please make every effort to attend and please bring your caps. Information on the meetings, programs and hall rentals may be obtained by calling 508-758-9311.