Alewives Anonymous, Inc. (AA) will host its annual meeting and quahog chowder supper for members, guests and others interested in the world of alewives (herring) on Sunday, April 26 at 5:00 pm to be held at the Rochester Grange Hall, 205 Hartley Road, Rochester. Guest speakers will be Mr. David Lawrence and Mr. Gifford Lawrence, who will present a program about The Searching for Dropped Deer Antlers and all about them.
Reservations are required. Please make your reservations with Arthur F. Benner, 319 Cushman Road, Rochester MA 02770, telephone 508-763-2024. Deadline for reservations is Wednesday, April 22.
There is no charge for the supper for members whose dues are paid up, members who re-new their annual dues ($10) or new members joining ($10); otherwise, the charge is $5 per person. New members are always welcome.
AA, The Herring Helpers, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and increase of the alewife fishery resources in the Mattapoisett River and the Sippican River in the towns of Rochester, Marion and Mattapoisett. Alewives Anonymous, Inc is also involved with monitoring the alewives population using electronic fish counting equipment and other efforts and projects to enhance their numbers and to improve their environment.
We invite you to PLEASE join and help support our efforts.