Fall and Winter 2019 programs at the Marion Natural History Museum will include:
September 18– Open House – Getting to know your museum. This is a half school day so come on over to the museum to create with Legos, enjoy our displays and learn about our upcoming programs. We are open from 12:00 – 4:00 pm, free admission.
September 25– Netting at the Marion Harbormaster’s beach – while it’s still warm out let’s see what we can find in our harbor with the museum’s seining net. Please plan to get wet. Pick up will be at the harbormaster’s beach.
October 9– Massachusetts Turtles – What kinds of turtles do we have in Massachusetts? Did you know we have a turtle who likes to build his own house in hide in? What turtle is called a “stinkpot”. What should we do when we find a turtle? Let’s learn a little about these fascinating creatures with Brian Bastarache, Natural Resource Management Chairman at Bristol Agricultural School.
October 23– Fall is here! – What is our native wildlife doing to prepare for the coming cold? We’ll look at some winter survival strategies used by our local wildlife. Then we’ll head to the woods to look at how plants, trees and squirrels are getting ready to adapt for winter. Please be sure to dress for a walk outside!
November 13– Cranberries – This fruit has been a valuable product from the southeastern Massachusetts area for many years. Dawn Gates-Allen of the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association will be introducing us to the life of a bog-owner, including the many challenges they face. We’ll be doing some experimenting and hands-on activities. Let’s find out a little more about what is involved in providing this important fruit for the holidays!
December 11– Holiday party 2019 – Our annual event is always a popular program. We will be having some fun using natural and recycled materials to make gifts for the holidays. Light refreshments will be served.
Registration forms are available at www.marionmuseum.org