Marion Art Center Players announce their summer production, A Bad Year For Tomatoes by John Patrick, a hilarious comedy in two acts. Directed by Rex McGraw, the show will open on Thursday, August 6 and run on Friday, August 7, Saturday, August 8, Friday, August 14 and Saturday, August 15. All shows start at 7:30pm.
The Story: Fed up with the pressures and demands of her acting career, the famous Myra Marlowe (played by Cynthia Latham) leases a house in the tiny New England hamlet of Beaver Haven and settles down to write her autobiography. She is successful in turning aside the offers pressed on her by her long-time agent (played by Jay Ryan), but dealing with her nosy, omnipresent neighbors (played by Suzie Kokkins, Suzy Taylor and Susan Sullivan) is a different matter. In an attempt to shoo them away, and gain some privacy, Myra invents a mad, homicidal sister – who is kept locked in an upstairs room, but who occasionally escapes long enough to scare off uninvited visitors. The ruse works well, at first, but complications result when the local handyman (played by Thom O’Shaughnessy) develops an affection for “Sister Sadie” (really Myra in a fright wig) and the nosy lady neighbors decide it is their Christian duty to save the poor demented Sadie’s soul. In desperation, Myra announces that her imaginary sibling has suddenly gone off to Boston – which brings on the sheriff (played by Mark Letourneau) and the suspicion of murder! Needless to say, all is straightened out in the end, but the uproarious doings will keep audiences laughing right up to the final curtain, and then some.
This play is the perfect evening out in the air-conditioned theater at the Marion Art Center. Get a group of four together and reserve a cabaret table! Tickets are $12.50 for MAC members and $15 for general admission. Guests are invited to bring their own refreshments. Cabaret tables are available for reserved parties of four or more.
Don’t miss this show! Reservations are highly recommended; email In the subject line of the email, please type “A Bad Year For Tomatoes.” In the body of the email, please include your full name, your telephone number for confirmation, the date you will be attending and how many tickets you need. We will send a confirmation email. Or call 508-748-1266 and leave a message with your name, phone number, the number of tickets needed and the date you are coming.
The Marion Art Center is located at 80 Pleasant Street in Marion.