Students’ Handiwork Honors Vietnam Veterans

Thanks to some industrious and talented teenagers, Vietnam veterans from Rochester have a handsome new memorial commemorating their service just inside the front door at Rochester Town Hall.             Five students from Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School worked on the memorial that was dedicated on March 29 by the Rochester Select Board.             “A […] Read more »

Ultra-processed Foods: What Are They? Why Should You Care?

About half the calories consumed by people in high-income countries such as the United States and Canada come from ultra-processed foods, and such a high consumption of these “Franken-foods” contributes to many health problems.             What are ultra-processed foods?             Most of our food is processed to some degree, if only with preservatives, and not […] Read more »

Bad News Blossoming

So, you think we have issues with trees and far-away bureaucrats telling us what to do to them. Pity the poor souls in Washington, D.C., the homeland of bossy bureaucrats who are facing another attack on Mother Nature’s offspring.             Here’s the bad news. The National Park Service plans to take the chainsaw to 158 […] Read more »

Hogan Rolls on Fast Lane to Success

He has an unorthodox bowling style, but then again, Michael Hogan is an unorthodox Special Olympian.             Hogan, 17 and a junior at Old Rochester Regional High School, is turning heads as much as he turns a 15-pound bowling bowl into strikes. Hogan plans on competing in the United States Special Olympics games for bowling […] Read more »

Healthcare Fraud

            Healthcare fraud tends to be “under the radar” for most of us, surfacing when authorities arrest those accused of such behavior or when guilty verdicts are announced and usually in stories buried on the inside pages of the newspaper.             While it is widely acknowledged to be a serious problem, costing the government and […] Read more »

Six Represent ORR at Festival

Superintendent Michael S. Nelson and Principal Silas Coellner are pleased to share that six Old Rochester Regional Junior High School students participated in the Southeastern Massachusetts Music Educators Association Junior District Festival (SEMMEA) on March 8 and March 9.             The two-day festival was hosted at New Bedford High School. Students from the MMEA Southeastern […] Read more »

A Job, Marriage, or the Draft

I heard that some politicians who probably never served in the military are talking about bringing back the military draft. In the spirit of transparency, I did not serve in the military, but not for lack of trying. My father had given me six months to get a job or get married after college. With […] Read more »

Harbormaster Launches New Database

Marion Town Administrator Geoffrey Gorman, Police Chief Richard Nighelli and Harbormaster Adam Murphy are pleased to share that the Marion Harbormaster’s office, a division of the Marion Police Department, has launched a new online database.             The Town of Marion has contracted with Town Moorings to create a user-friendly online platform, which launched on March […] Read more »

FORM Concert Showcases Tri-Town Talent

            Old Rochester Regional Superintendent of Schools Michael S. Nelson is proud to share that the district’s musicians have showcased their talent in another successful band and choral performance series.             The Friends of Old Rochester Music (F.O.R.M.) Scholarship Concerts, hosted in the Old Rochester Regional High School gymnasium, featured the districts’ choirs on March […] Read more »

Emma’s Tree Inspires Poster Contestants

The Kousa Dogwood tree donated by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is growing outside Old Hammondtown Elementary School. It is a pleasing addition to the campus but more importantly a symbol that Mattapoisett kids care about their trees.             The tree came to the town because Emma Lowe’s winning entry in the 2023 fifth-grade tree-poster contest […] Read more »