A presentation by CDMSmith, of Cambridge was the focus of the Marion Conservation Commission’s meeting on Wednesday evening. The board and the public heard the details on the extensive work to be done on Ryder Lane and South Street under Phase 1A of the Capital Improvements Plan, which includes drainage, lighting, drain pipes, sewer, and roadway improvements.
The Conservation Commission’s involvement was to consider and potentially approve the storm water runoff plan for the roads, which eventually enters Sippican Harbor.
Representatives from CDMSmith noted that the town was not in compliance with Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s standards for the water quality from storm runoff into the harbor.
The complex presentation included information on a new storm water filtering system to keep pollutants out of Sippican Harbor. The system would filter oils, solids, grease, nitrogen, bacteria, phosphorus, metals, and other debris from entering the harbor.
Shawn Syde, of CDMSmith, along with Magdalene Lotutedt, discussed the particulars of the flow of storm water through the two streets. The well-attended meeting had various residents of both Ryder Lane and South Street asking questions regarding the complex and costly project.
The South Street work would include new sidewalks, street lighting, driveway aprons, drain pipes, and a storm septic system to collect and filter the oils, solids, and other pollutants similar to the Ryder Street system, but on a smaller scale.
According to Mr. Syde, a “duck valve” would be at the end of the pipe, which releases storm water into the harbor. The valve is open when the flow is toward the harbor, but closes at high tide or at storm level to prevent inflow into the system.
If approved at town meeting, in May, construction could begin as soon as August of 2013.
In other business, the board approved a Request for Determination of Applicability for Brian and Margaret Avila to construct a 12-by-22-foot garage in the area of the existing paved driveway at 651 Delano Rd.
Greenwood Hartley III came before the commission for a Request for Determination of Applicability to remove invasive species and storm-damaged trees and branches at 19 Quelle Lane. The board agreed to the work to be done, but noted that no trees be cut down or cutting of the existing vegetation abutting the wetland area be disturbed.
The board discussed a Notice of Intent to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new dwelling and driveway at 28 Front St. Dave Davignon, of Doug Schneider Associates represented the applicant, Dr. Henning Gaissert.
At issue is an isolated wetland, which is present on the Gaissert property and the abutting property, owned by the Danhauser family. Fred Danhauser spoke and wanted to learn more about the wetland and how the construction would affect his property and land owned by the town, which houses a pump station at the corner of Lewis Street and Front Street.
Mr. Davignon said that roof runoff from the new home would be captured in a rectangular leaching field, with a berm between the abutter and the property to keep runoff from flowing onto the abutting properties.
Last, but not least, the board discussed the management of the Sprague’s Cove storm water settling basins. The priority is the safety of those going to Silvershell Beach in the summer, with a sturdy fence keeping residents, especially children, from entering the lagoon area. Member Sherman Briggs reported two quotes, one for $8,000 for a new split rail fence and $12,000 for a heavy-duty chain link fence. Member Steve Gonsalves said the board could explore options for lower quotes.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry