On Wednesday, March 6, the ORRHS Media Room held a triple meet Honor Bowl for Old Rochester, Fairhaven, and Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical high schools. The Honor Bowl is an academic trivia competition where teams are asked a series of questions anywhere from literature to math to sizes of the planets.
The teams are made up of eight members from the respective schools’ National Honor Society. ORR’s team was comprised of Callum Mcloughlin, Nick Johnson, Luke Mattar, Joshua Bardwell, Fred Murolo, Edward Costa, Hannah Walsh, and Abby Robinson, with Rebecca Johnson the scorekeeper. Four members compete at a time over the course of the meet. When there is 15 minutes left in a meet, teams are allowed (but not required) to substitute in for fresh players.
Students were chosen for ORR’s team by having any students from Honor Society who were interested in competing write their name down. From that list, students were chosen at random.
Although only eight students could compete, all National Honor Society members were encouraged by Mrs. Morrell to look at the Honor Bowl as an in-school field trip. Members were allowed to go support the competitors over the course of the day. Some members came and went so as not to miss a quiz or important class while others stayed for all three meets. The meets ran from 10:00 am to around 12:45 pm, with a pizza lunch and student-run tours afterward.
The first meet of the day, Old Rochester/Fairhaven, saw ORR take an early lead. After about 20 minutes, Fairhaven pulled ahead for an 85-40 lead. At the subbing point, Old Rochester chose to swap out the entire team while Fairhaven substituted only one individual. At the end of the meet, ORR prevailed 120 to 85.
The second meet was Old Rochester/Greater New Bedford. Greater New Bedford took the early points. The two teams grappled for the lead with Greater New Bedford eventually taking the win 120 to 90. ORR swapped out their entire team while Greater New Bedford, like Fairhaven, only swapped out individuals.
The last meet of the day showcased Fairhaven/Greater New Bedford. Each swapped out minimal players with Greater New Bedford keeping the lead right up to the end, winning 230 to 90.
By Jessica Correia