The Marion School Committee approved an upgrade to the sound system at Sippican Elementary School at their meeting on Wednesday, February 6. The upgrade followed concerns by band director and music teacher, Hannah Moore, who previously told the board that the multipurpose room had a blown amplifier.
Facilities Director, Eugene Jones told the board that he had researched the sound system within the entire school and felt an overall upgrade would save money in the long run.
Jones noted that past use of extension cords for events outside the building could be avoided with an upgraded sound system using battery-operated microphones. He secured several competitive quotes, which were discussed, and suggested the committee approve the upgrade so that it could be tested under warranty during the current school year.
The committee agreed to a purchase price up to $ 5,360 for the upgrade. The sound system can be used both indoors and outdoors.
“We’ll be under warranty and we will make sure that we are getting what we agreed to purchase,” said Jones.
In other business, the board voted to accept a $5,000 donation to Project Grow from the Ludes Foundation. The board thanked the Ludes family and voted to accept the donation.
Superintendent White discussed the 2014 state budget proposed by Governor Deval Patrick. Although not yet approved by the State House and Senate, White presented the proposed amounts currently budgeted in the state budget for education.
The Chapter 70 Increase for the ORR Senior and Junior High School is a 2.17% increase over the fiscal year 2012, representing approximately $593,336. If approved, Marion would see a 48% increase of approximately $216,400. Mattapoisett, under the proposed state budget, would have an increase of 32% or $174,439. Rochester would have a .7% increase, equaling approximately $12,625.
White commented on the change in education and requirements through the years. He said that he had attended a recent educational seminar and recommended that the public take a look at a web site which recorded the changes in education that have taken place since the 1990’s. The site can be accessed at
Nikki Spencer, representing Project Grow Parents, presented two fundraising opportunities, which were approved by the committee. Kids Stuff Book Sales, which is similar to the ‘Dinner for Two‘ booklets will be sold. Another fundraiser is a family day at a local gymnastics center, which will be held on a Sunday afternoon in March.
Diane Hartley, Co-Chair of Volunteers At Sippican School (VASE) asked the board to approve a 5K Race fundraiser to be held in May in Marion. The route will follow the ‘Turkey Trot’ organized by the Marion Recreational Department. The board approved the request.
By Joan Hartnett-Barry