The monthly meetings of the American Legion Florence Eastman Post 280 will be held on Wednesday, February 20 at the Post Hall at 3 Depot Street at 7:00 pm.
The meeting for February will be for normal business with an eye to the results of our final Ham & Bean supper. All members are encouraged to attend, as we will also review our post finances and our new membership initiative prior to the visit of the Commander of District 10 in March.
As usual, our hall is available for rental and is perfect for weddings and baby showers, as well as any gathering of up to 75 guests. The meetings are always brief and to the point. Please make every effort to attend. Information on the meetings, programs and hall rentals may be obtained by calling 508-758-9311.
The Florence Eastman Post 280 will also hold a Ham & Bean Supper at the Legion Hall, 3 Depot Street in Mattapoisett on Saturday, February 16. Supper will be served from 5:00 to 6:30 pm.
Tickets will be available at the door: $10 for adults, $25 for family (parents or grandparents and young children). Please join us for a great meal with good fun and conversation. For information or reservations, please call Mike at 508-758-9311. See you there!