LWVSC Candidates Forum

Residents of Marion will have the opportunity to hear from candidates on the Marion ballot at the League of Women Voters SouthCoast (LWVSC) Candidates Forum. The event will occur on Tuesday, April 29 at 7:00 pm in the Multipurpose Room of Sippican School, located at 16 Spring Street, Marion.

            Mr. Jack Eklund of the LWVSC will serve as moderator.

            In contested races, all candidates will be requested to make an introductory statement lasting no more than two minutes. Following this, they will answer questions about local issues and their candidacies posed by the LWVSC.

            The public is invited and will have a chance to ask questions of the candidates.

            Questions from the public can be submitted in advance to LWVSC Voter Services Coordinator: phgirard508@gmail.com.

            Candidates in uncontested races will be invited to deliver a two-minute statement explaining their reasons for running. No questions will be asked of candidates who have no opposition.

            The forum will be filmed and shown on Old Rochester Community Television.

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