Project GROW Preschool Program Registration Open

Superintendent Michael S. Nelson reminds parents and guardians that registration for the Old Rochester Regional School District and MA Superintendency Union #55 Project GROW preschool program for the 2025-26 school year remains open.

            Program vacancies remain and families can still sign up.

            Project GROW was established to provide high-quality pre-schooling to children in Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester.

            “Our inclusive and accessible Project GROW program aligns with our core values of thinking, learning and growing,” Superintendent Nelson said. “Our staff do a wonderful job of providing these preschoolers with a great first classroom experience that serves as a foundation for years to come.”

            The program aims to provide children with part-day, high-quality preschool experience in a public-school setting and an inclusive learning environment for children with special needs.

            The program will be offered at three district schools:

Sippican Elementary School, Marion (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)

Center School, Mattapoisett (8:50 am to 12:50 pm)

Rochester Memorial School, Rochester (9:00 am to 1:00 pm)

            The program consists of two classes:

Tuesday and Thursday ($2,520/year)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday ($3,780/year)

All classes follow the ORR public school calendar.

            This four-hour program is open to all children residing in Marion, Mattapoisett, and Rochester who will be 3 years of age before September 1, 2025.

            Each Project GROW class is held at the town elementary school where the family resides.

            Parents and guardians are reminded that they are responsible for providing transportation to and from the program each day.

            “We are proud to offer a high-quality preschool program to children in Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester,” said Early Childhood Coordinator Doreen Lopes. “Our Project GROW program aims to create an environment for children that allows for active exploration and involvement in materials, concepts, and experiences with the support of early childhood professionals.”

            Each preschool class is staffed by a certified teacher and assistant. The program aligns with the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and follows the High/Scope curriculum.

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