Rochester’s Select Board Tuesday announced the appointment of Falmouth municipal employee Michaela Shoemaker as the new Town Planner. Her background includes recent work as the Community Development Planner in Falmouth and the Town Planner in Hanover.
She is replacing the previous Town Planner, Nancy Durfee, who retired in December of 2024 after multiple years in the position. Rochester Town Administrator Cameron Durant noted she is not the first in her family to be in municipal planning. Her mother also worked for the New Bedford Housing Authority. “She has a lot of experience and will be a good fit,” Durant said.
The board’s other actions on Tuesday started with the appointment of Durant as the town’s new representative to the Assawompset Pond Complex Management Team. Water Commission Chair Fred Underhill advised Durant that he needs to know more about the fact the town does not have full voting rights on that panel. Durant said the town is in the process of assigning an attorney from town counsel to research this problem.
Durant later announced a change in how residents will be able to view Select Board meetings. Starting that night, February 18, each Select Board meeting is being broadcast live via the town’s Facebook page. He said there will be no interactive feature to these broadcasts. But he noted Rochester is the last of the three tri-town communities to do so.
Durant also announced that articles for the May 19 Annual Town Meeting will be due on April 2.
The board tabled until its next meeting entering into a new contract with the Solect solar energy systems company over its plan to install solar panels at Rochester Memorial School. Selectman Adam Murphy raised questions about the Payment-in-Lieu-of-Taxes agreement within the pact. Durant said he is seeking input on this with town counsel.
The board approved eight new utility poles on Featherbed Lane as requested by Eversource/Verizon New England, Inc.
The board approved a revision to the Chapter 61A land conversion for properties on High Street, County Road, Cross Street, and Forbes Road, re-asserting that the town is not exercising its right of first refusal to purchase same. Durant said there had been a filing error within the previous paperwork.
The selectmen approved waving the Inspection Fees for the Dexter Lane and Gifford Park playground projects. The board, however, voted that henceforth all non-profit organizations should pay all required annual inspection fees. Durant said that in the past some have paid these fees and some have not, and the policy need to be more consistent.
The board approved entering into a contract with Tax Title Attorney firm, Louison, Costello, Condom and Phaff, LLP. Durant explained the town has 14 properties under tax title dispute, totaling approximately $41,000 in value to the town. He said this is a firm recommended by town council. “This is just about cleaning up the books,” he said.
Durant announced that SEMASS’S PILOT payment for January is $404,130.
The next meeting of the Rochester Select Board is scheduled for Monday, February 24 at 6:00 pm at 1 Constitution Way.
Rochester Select Board
By Michael J. DeCicco