The Mattapoisett Land Trust is seeking applicants for its $1000 Priscilla Hathaway Art Scholarship. This award is available to a Mattapoisett, Marion, or Rochester resident graduating from high school in June 2025, who is committed to keeping the core values that Priscilla Hathaway exemplified, is studying art, and plans to continue education in fine arts. The scholarship is made available through the generosity of Brad Hathaway and his family.
Application forms are available in the high school guidance offices and at the Mattapoisett Land Trust website:
The deadline for submitting the complete application and accompanying materials is April 21. The recipient will be notified by mail by May 14.
The actual award will be disbursed after the student submits an official college transcript
documenting a successful completion of the first semester in college to the Mattapoisett Land Trust.