As discussed at its February 4 meeting, the Select Board and Town Administrator’s office are reaching out to residents to help organize upcoming celebrations.
The first is the annual Fourth-of-July fireworks display. The committee responsible for organizing this highly popular event for several years needs new members in order to continue. Funding for the event (fireworks, barge, crowd control, and other costs) is expected to come from both the town and donations. But planning and organizing the myriad details, big and small, depends on community members volunteering their time and energy.
In addition, the year 2027 will mark the 175th anniversary of the Town of Marion. Envisioning a year-long celebration to include a time capsule, more fireworks(!), and a range of programs offered by local philanthropic, fraternal, educational, recreational, and historical organizations, the Town Administrator is eager to put together a team of community volunteers for subcommittees to plan and organize these events.
Those interested in learning more are encouraged to contact Donna Hemphill at Town Hall –
In other business, the board approved a request for a Mobile Home & Trailer permit at 71 Lewis Street, for no longer than two weeks. According to a neighbor, a person has been inhabiting a bus parked on the property since early December. This will allow the property owner to make other arrangements and remove the vehicle.
The Town Administrator reported that the new Harbormaster’s office is now open and noted plans for a celebratory Open House to welcome the public to view the new facility inside and out. The board suggested that this be planned for a weekend day to enable both interested residents and the many people who worked to achieve this to be able to participate. He also updated the committee on the Highway Department Building, which is proceeding on or ahead of schedule: concrete now finished; load-bearing work to begin February 10 and the mezzanine to begin February 17. A member who visited the site commented that the quality of the work done appears to be excellent.
The Administrator then updated the board on the timeline for the next Town Meeting, scheduled for May 12 at 6:45 pm at the Sippican Elementary School. Warrant articles – including Citizen Petitions – must be submitted by March 14 and the warrant will close on April 1. Details are available on the town’s website,
He also noted that the Town Election will be held on May 16. Open positions are listed on the town website. Nomination papers are available now at the Town Clerk’s office and must be submitted no later than March 28. For more information, see the website or call the Town Clerk’s Office at 508-748-3502.
The next meeting of the Select Board is scheduled for Wednesday, February 19, at 6:00 pm, in the Town House Conference Room, 2 Spring Street.
Marion Select Board
By Mary McCann Fiske