Town Of Marion Volunteer Opportunities

The Town of Marion has a vacancy on the Marion Open Space Acquisition Commission (MOSAC). This position will be appointed by the Select Board and MOSAC and the appointment will end May 2025.

In addition to this appointed position, the Marion Select Board is seeking volunteers to serve on the following Town Boards and Committees:

-Conservation Commission (1 Associate).

-Cultural Council (1).

-Energy Management Committee (1).

-Finance Committee (1 Alternate).

-Fireworks Committee (6).

-Marine Resources Commission (1 Alternate).

-Music Hall Advisory Committee (1).

-Scholarship Education Fund Committee (1).

-Trees & Parks Committee (1).

            As of January 28.

            Deadline for applications is February 12.

            Applications to serve are available at the Select Board office and on the Town of Marion website. Please submit a letter of interest or completed application either online or return hard copy of application to the Marion Select Board, Two Spring Street, Marion, Massachusetts 02738 by end of business on February 12.

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