Winter Wonders

Come celebrate winter with the Mattapoisett Land Trust and stand-up chameleon storyteller Jackson Gillman at the Mattapoisett Public Library on Saturday, February 1 at 11:00 am. Regardless of the weather outside, everyone can help create an indoor snowstorm. Then in this imaginary winter wonderland, we can all shovel, make snowmen, snow angels, and explore nature in winter. No reservation required for this free event to help celebrate Bring Your Child to the Library Day. Check out the library website for all the day’s other activities.

            Watch for three other seasonal concerts that will follow throughout the year: Spring into Action & Song in April, Summer at the Beach in July, and Awesome Autumn in October.

            These programs are supported by a grant from the Mattapoisett Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Call the Mattapoisett Land trust at 774.377.9191 or email us at with any questions.

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