Changes Proposed for Boat Owner Fees

At its January 7 meeting, the Board began by approving a petition from Eversource Energy to install a utility pole for underground cable and conduit at 305 Road.

            It then moved on to Action Items, approving minutes for five meetings held from November through December 17, 2024; a Common Victualer’s License for Santoro’s Pizza and More; appointment of Lisa MacLean to Scholarship Education Committee and four payments of Water/Sewer commitments.

            An Action Item generating lengthy discussion was on proposed revisions to town waterways regulations. This was a “First Read,” meaning the revisions, as drafted by Harbormaster Adam Murphy were under initial review by the Board and likely to be modified as needed following discussion.

            The revisions call for modifying the regulations in order to hold almost all boats, regardless of size, ownership, or location in the harbor accountable for registering with the Harbormaster. This would entail paying a harbor fee and a per-foot fee of not less than twenty-five feet.

            Murphy explained that the change is needed to better align the services provided with the standing of the vessels. Currently there are many boats that are not holding permits but may require the services the Harbormaster has no choice but to provide, such as retrieving vessels detached from a mooring or blown off a dock or other situation. Lacking owner contact information provided by a permit, harbor staff spend a great deal of time not only capturing and securing the vessels but tracking down owners.

            Vin Malkoski of the Marine Resources Committee was present and strongly supported the proposal.

            Given the number of community members and other owners that could be affected by the proposed policy, the board felt it called for a public hearing and is the process of scheduling one by late-January or early-February.

            Other items discussed in the early stages and not voted on included draft goals for the Board in 2025, potential Town Meeting warrant articles for this year and proposed Intermunicipal Agreements with Rochester.

            Town Administrator Gorman reported that work on the public works building is proceeding well, with plumbing installation now complete, and that the harbor master’s building elevator is installed and ready for inspection, after which the office will open to the public. IT connections are also nearing completion but will not delay opening.

            Gorman noted that 2025 resident stickers, whether for beach parking, refuse, or shell fishing, will be available at the Harbormaster’s office beginning February 3. The landfill will continue to accept 2024 stickers through February 22. 

            The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.  

            The next regular meeting of the Select Board will be on Tuesday, January 21, at 6:00 pm at the Marion Town House.

Marion Select Board

By Mary McCann Fiske

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