The Marion Conservation Commission Wednesday, January 8, whittled through an agenda of many routine projects within flood and wetland buffer zones. Commissioners mostly expressed concern about a project on Dexter Road seeking to reuse boulders and build an accessory garage.
Commissioners also expressed concern about a project seeking to remove an old cottage and rebuild a shed because it is within a wetlands buffer zone with an unknown water pipe underneath. This latter matter is also before the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Conservation Commission will continue the hearing for the proposal at its January 28 meeting.
The accessory garage, proposed by applicants Stephen and Jane McCarthy, will be two stories, including a loft, but will only be used for storage and not residential use, according to a project representative.
Commissioners expressed concern about the reuse of large boulders within the property.
“Why are we allowing them to have a rock wall in a (flood) velocity zone,” said Commissioner Shayne Walsh.
Walsh suggested that the boulders should be hauled away but expressed understanding of the applicants’ desire to save money.
“It’s exacerbating a condition. … I’m not trying to make things difficult for the property owners,” Walsh said. “While I appreciate them seeking permission to minimize their expense, it is what it is.”
Walsh and commissioners agreed that boulders used for a border fence should be no greater than two feet in height and only three or four feet in any direction.
Laura and Terrence Hartford pitched a proposal for an addition that would include an enclosed porch while also removing an old cottage and replacing it with a shed. The proposed shed is within 20 feet of wetlands.
Applicant representative Robert Braman, of Braman associates, told commissioners that there is a state Department of Environmental Protection file on the case with no comments. He also said there is a neighboring shed nearby, which also borders wetlands.
Commissioners asked Braman to follow-up with Commissioners after the applicant meets with the town’s Zoning Board of Appeals.
They continued the hearing to 7:00 pm on January 28.
Burr Brothers Boats Inc., on 366 Wareham Street, is looking to redevelop a boat storage facility.
Commissioner Jeffrey Debrouva expressed concern about the amount of fill being brought to the property and asked for proper mitigation measures, as the area is within a coastal flood zone.
All other matters were routine, including two applicants on West Drive looking to connect to the town’s sewer system.
Another applicant sought to rebuild an in-ground pool but there are no plans to increase the size, drawing no concerns from Conservation Commissioners.
Shane and Denise Whittaker, applicants at 6 Cole Road, plan to scrap an old cottage there and build a single-family home, which also drew no concerns from the Conservation Commission.
The Conservation Commission is scheduled to meet again on January 28 at 7:00 pm.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Jeffrey D. Wagner