The Historic District Study Committee is making significant progress toward its goal of creating a historic district in the village area of town by spring of this year.
The committee met briefly via Zoom on January 2 to plan its next steps. Will Tifft, the chairman of the committee, met with the Planning Board this week and the state Historic Commission has made recommendations to the draft. That draft will be made available to the public this month.
Meg Steinberg, the Historic Commission liaison to the group, told the study committee on January 15 from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm at the Benjamin Cushing Community Center.
“It’s an open meeting to which the committee has specifically invited all property owners in the proposed district to attend,” Steinberg said. “Our consultant, Eric Dray, will give a presentation on the significance of the district and the workings of the proposed design review bylaw.”
On February 18 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm, also at the Cushing Community Center, a public hearing will be held, says Steinberg.
The committee for the past 18 months has worked on this proposed bylaw, which should go before the annual Town Meeting voters in late spring. The effort started with a survey in which an overwhelming majority of respondents agreed that they wanted a historic district to be formed in town.
In a written release and in her meeting with the Planning Board late last year, Steinberg and other committee members say the bylaw offers a review process only for demolition, new construction and new additions visible from a public way.
“Most exterior maintenance and renovation projects will be completely exempt from review. Interior renovations are exempt as well,” she wrote in a written release.
In her meeting with the Planning Board, Steinberg said the committee has tried to weigh the property rights of homeowners with the community’s desire to preserve the historic character and charm of Marion.
According to a written release, the proposed district includes all of Cottage Street, Hiller Street, Main Street, Pie Alley, School Street, South Street, Water Street, #1-9 Allen Street, #137-183 Front Street, #1-2 Island Wharf Road, #2-10 Lewis Street, #61-78 Pleasant Street, and #8-16 Spring Street.
A letter on January 2 was mailed out to homeowners, which includes the draft bylaw, boundary lines, and frequently asked questions.
Again, the next meeting and presentation from Dray, the district’s consultant, will be held on January 15 5:30 pm at the Cushing Center.
Marion Historic District Study Committee
By Jeffrey D. Wagner