Book (re)Marks: What’s up this Month at Plumb?

Welcome to Book (re)Marks, all the info you need about what’s happening this month at Plumb Library. October is National Reading Group Month, also known as National Bookclub Month. The Library is celebrating by marking the 20th Anniversary of our Library Bookclub. Way back in 2004 library staff were tasked by the Director to set up a bookclub at the Library, a brand new venture that Library patrons had expressed interest in having in-house. Off the staff went, figuring out a lot of things about planning and running bookclubs along the way. There were many facets to consider: How will books be chosen? Do we decorate or dress up or have props? How do we get people to commit to coming? Should there be food? After lots of debate, we picked three books to be read in October, November, and December of that year, asked people to sign up, decorated and served themed food, and Café Parlez was introduced to the Library community. The first selection was “Memoirs of a Geisha” by Arthur Golden, a hit with our readers, and that was all the encouragement we needed to keep the bookclub going. Starting in 2008, titles were selected based on an overall theme for the year, and we’ve maintained that format ever since. We have had meetings when there haven’t been enough chairs in the Library to accommodate everyone in attendance, and others with just a couple of attendees, but the readers have continued to show up month after month. Even during COVID, bookclub continued to meet via Zoom or outside in the Reading Garden. Over the last 20 years lots of readers have come and gone, the Library staff has changed over a couple of times, and a secondary, nonfiction bookclub was absorbed. The bookclub has even had a name change. As of 2023, it’s been known as “Books & Babble,” a name selected by our members. By the end of this year, we will have logged 229 books read since 2004. If you’d like to join us, we’d be happy to have you. Books & Babble meets at 6:30 pm the last Thursday of the month. This bookclub is open to adult readers aged 18+. To see upcoming titles and meeting dates, check out the Events Calendar on the Library’s website or stop by the Library to pick up a list. The theme for 2025 will be announced at the October meeting. Here’s to another 20 years of great discussions about books of all kinds.

            Other regularly scheduled meetings for the month include: COA Bookclub 1 pm Tuesday October 15, “The Lost Apothecary” by Sarah Penner Books & Babble 6:30 pm. Thursday. October 31, “The Cat Who Saved Books” by Sosuke Natsukawa

            Knitters Group, 6:30 pm, Mondays, October 7, 21, & 28, Social meeting of fiber-crafters, Writer’s Group, 6:30 pm, Thursday, Oct. 17, Open to anyone 18+, refreshments served.

            Friends of the Library, 6:30 pm, Thursday, October 17, Annual meeting and election of officers, Board of Library Trustees, 6:30 pm, Thursday, October 10, open to the public.

            The Library will be closed on Monday, October 14 for Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day.

            Please check the Events Calendar on our website,, for a full list of upcoming events, programs, & talks. There’s a lot going on this month. Questions? Please call 508-763-8600 or email As always, we hope to see you soon at the Library.

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