ARPA Solves Highway Need

Addressing a need that had been on the town’s capital-funding priority list for years, Rochester’s Select Board Monday spent $245,150 of the town’s $312,000 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds on new equipment for the Highway Department.

            Select Board member Adam Murphy noted the new Cat 930 Wheel loader being requested by Highway Surveyor Jeff Eldridge for that amount has been on the town’s Capital Planning Committee’s list of priorities since that committee has been in existence. He explained that using the town’s capital monies for that expense “would have wiped out the town’s Capital account.”

            That made it an easy decision for the two board members in attendance, Murphy and Chairman Brad Morse, to approve using ARPA funds for what will leave that account with a balance of $66,850.

            The two Select Board members, however, tabled a decision on Eldridge’s other request, funding for a new front plow with spreader. Morse said more research on the equipment needs to be done first.

            In other financial action, the board signed Town Treasurer Ashling McLoughlin’s renewal of the Bond Anticipation Note (BAN) for two Fire Department equipment purchases. The pumper truck will have a continuing cost of $199,000 and a principal cost of $49,000. The ambulance will have a continuing cost of $48,000 and a principal cost of $24,000.

            In other business, the board approved a new Police Department procedure that will regulate the use of drones within the town.

            The board signed Town Clerk Marjorie Barrows’ request for three additional detail police officers for the November 5 Presidential Election. Police Chief Michael Assad, Jr. said he will supply the names the officers that will be assigned at a later date.

            The board approved the appointment of Suzanne Szyndlar, who is also the town’s finance director, to the Board of Assessors and Halima Tiffany as a member of the Registrars of Voters.

            The board appointed Town Administrator Cameron Durant, Executive Assistant Andreia Lacerda and Administrative Assistant Emily Dumas-Harding as the administrators of the town’s social-media account and postings. “Make sure you verify stuff before it goes out,” Murphy emphasized.

            The next meeting of the Rochester Select Board will be held on Monday, October 7, at 6:00 pm at the Rochester Council on Aging, 67 Dexter Lane.

Rochester Select Board

By Michael J. DeCicco

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