Brad Hathaway Sets New Goals

The 92-year-old activist whose 2023-24 winter goal was to live to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Mattapoisett Land Trust enjoyed that event in April at the Munro Preserve but isn’t stopping there.

            At the conclusion of a ceremonial, 27,000th-mile walk down Aucoot Road from Bowman Road to his home on August 31, Brad Hathaway told a gathering of nearly 40 people that he wants to see the endowment funding the annual art scholarship created in memory of his late wife Priscilla Hathaway grow to $25,000.

            As cofounders of the MLT, the Hathaways have long been looking for ways to protect land in Mattapoisett, especially coastal areas threatened by rising tides and major storms.

            Priscilla Hathaway was an art teacher, so after her passing, Brad Hathaway asked the MLT about establishing a scholarship for an Old Rochester Regional High School art student in her memory.

            “The Land Trust – thanks to them – said they would do that,” Hathaway told the gathering.

            He said that through the first two years of the scholarship’s activity, including the paying out of $1,000, it had yet to be fully funded. “I was told we’d need between 20 and 25 thousand,” he said.

            Former MLT president, now treasurer Gary Johnson said the scholarship is now close to being fully funded, estimating approximately $22,500 in the account. Hathaway wants to push for $25,000.

            “We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future … I would just as soon make it $25,000 and someday increase the scholarship,” Hathaway said, mindful of the clock because of his appointment for dialysis treatment.

            Johnson explained that the money will be set aside as an endowment and that the funds won’t be used for anything else, only to fund the Priscilla Hathaway Scholarship. The announcement drew applause from the gathering at the finish line outside the gate to Hathaway’s driveway.

            Two years ago, along the same stretch of road, Hathaway celebrated his round-the-world milestone of 25,000 career-walking miles. On August 31, he made it 27,000. He was accompanied by family, friends, news reporters and even bagpiper Sue Maxwell of Marion.

            Maxwell, who also serenaded Hathaway during his 25,000th mile walk in 2023, spends her winters in Florida and will be part of a team of bagpipers competing in January in Orlando. Her appearance on August 31 at the home stretch brought tears to Hathaway’s eyes. He gave pause and looked back at the applauding crowd before resuming his paces.

            Despite his age and his ailments including kidney failure and Parkinson’s disease, Hathaway made sure to confirm Maxwell’s availability for his next milestone walk.

By Mick Colageo

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