Respective Joint School Committee chairpersons Sharon Hartley (union) and Michelle Smith (ORR) issued an End of Cycle report on Superintendent Mike Nelson’s Summative Evaluation that was unanimously accepted by vote on both sides of the Joint School Committee during its June 20 public meeting.
The committees followed that with a vote approving the superintendent’s new contract that had been discussed during executive session.
Results included a 95% (met or exceeded) grade on Teaching and Learning and Sense of Belonging, a 100% grade on the five-year Vision 2028 plan and the strategic development plan. Nelson also drew credit from the committees for his fiscal responsibility in negotiating school budgets in all three towns and for the individual districts, all the while prioritizing the students.
Nelson was exemplary in exceeding the requirements in all areas. Nonetheless, they picked out three anonymous comments to read to the Joint School Committee about areas where it is believed that some teachers are not yet meeting expectations and how work continues to need to be done in the schools.
Nelson thanked the JSC for its candor for celebrating his successes but assured the members that he benefits from critical feedback and considers it essential to improving as a superintendent.
During recent interviews with candidates for open ORR jobs this year, Mike Nelson referenced a question he had received from a candidate asking what he thinks make ORR schools special.
“Without hesitation, I said, ‘when there is a difficult moment, a challenging conversation, a time of celebration, whatever the occasion, we have a strong school community that cares deeply about all six schools and the success of our school system. In general, I think that’s what separates us from a lot of other school districts,’” said Nelson.
Nelson was happy to report on new hires for principals in two elementary schools and the identification of a lead candidate for an assistant principal position in the district.
He thanked Kris Lincoln for her service as interim director of Student Services. Without a satisfactory result from advertising, the decision was made to repost the job as assistant superintendent of Student Services.
(The JSC since held a brief Zoom meeting on July 10 to appoint Dr. Jaime Curley as the ORR District’s new assistant superintendent of Student Services. The meeting included an executive session for the purposes of preparation for contract negotiations. The position had formerly been defined as director of Student Services.)
After a June 20 executive session to prepare for negotiations, the committees reconvened to address June 20 public-agenda items, beginning with the 2024-25 School Committee meeting calendar. The district proposed regular meetings on September 26, January 23, 2025 and June 12, 2025. The committees approved.
In her Chairperson’s Report, Union side Chair Sharon Hartley said the four graduations she attended “were so moving and so well done and so beautiful, I felt I needed to recognize that.” Hartley credited school leaders for doing a wonderful job at the beginning and end of the school year. Hartley also spoke to the process of the superintendent’s evaluation and credit Nelson for his feedback.
In her Chairperson’s Report, ORR side Chair Michelle Smith thanked the teachers and administration for their hard work throughout the 2023-24 school year.
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Dr. Shari Fedorowicz joined the meeting table to seek approval of the district’s Professional Development Plan for the 2024-25 school year.
Fedorowicz summarized accomplishments during the 2023-24 school year including the curriculum-review cycle and strategic walks on school campuses. Parents and guardians are sought out for feedback, as well as administrators.
The Professional Development Plan, explained Fedorowicz, aligns with the district’s overarching Vision 2028 plan. Fedorowicz reported that parents/guardians prioritized teaching strategies in their responses to a feedback survey.
In the coming school year, ORR will conduct three district-wide Professional Development days on August 27, September 25 and November 5. While all six such sessions will address Teaching and Learning and Support Systems, the first and third sessions will prioritize the Curriculum Review Cycle and Climate and Culture. The initial session will also address the new Individual Education Plan (IEP) process.
Three, subsequent Professional Development dates, January 29, March 5 and May 28, will be half-day, building (individual school)-based sessions.
ORR-side member Margaret McSweeny acknowledged Federowicz’s work and her passion for the job. Federowicz stressed that it requires a team effort and extended her thanks to the teachers working with her on the project.
Both sides voted unanimously to accept the Professional Development calendar for 2024-25.
The JSC reviewed and approved the following new policies: EFE Civil Rights Complaint Policy for Child Nutrition Programs (aligns with DESE and USDA requirements); EHAA District Security Relating to Technology (protects information stored and accessed on district technology); EHB Data and Records Retention (addresses gap in recommended policy regarding retention of records, including electronic communication by public officials); GBEE Personnel Use of Technology (staff use of technology); JICJ Student Use of Technology in School (student use of technology); KDC Community Use of Digital Resources (public wifi is a common, public resource of school reviewed by the ORRSD Technology Department team); and KDCB District Website and Social Media (outlines best practice for website and social media, as reviewed by the ORRSD Technology Department team.
Approving several revisions, the JSC made one exemption, sending back ADDA-R DCJIS Model CORI Policy for further review by the Policy Subcommittee.
The following revisions were approved: Admission Policy for Vocational Technical Education Programs (Chapter 74); ADDA Background Checks (updated to reflect current practice); IJND Access to Digital Resources (updated to match MASC recommendations and changes to the IJN-coded policies); IJNDB Use of Technology in Instruction (updated to match MASC recommendations and changes to the IJN-coded policies, refocusing the policy on instruction); IJNDD Policy on Social Media (updated to match MASC recommendations and changes to the IJN-coded policies); IJ-R Reconsideration of Instructional Resources (Fernandes requested revising the policy to include the Procedures for Complaint, providing next steps); JJE Student Fund-Raising Activities (removed from Policy Manual); ADDA-E-1 Information Concerning the Process in Correcting a Criminal Record (deleted as no longer in MASC Policy Manual); and ADDA -E-2 CORI Requirements (deleted as no longer in MASC Policy Manual).
The next meeting of the ORR Joint School Committee is scheduled for Thursday, September 26, at 6:30 pm at the ORR Junior High School media room and accessible live via Zoom.
ORR School Committee/Superintendent’s Union #55
By Mick Colageo