ORR Hosts College Fair

Superintendent Michael S. Nelson and Principal Mike Devoll are pleased to share that Old Rochester Regional High School hosted its first College Fair in partnership with the New England Association for College Admissions Counseling recently.

            Students met with representatives from more than 75 colleges and military institutions from across the country in the school gymnasium to discuss admissions processes and the next steps for applying to college.

            Representatives talked about programming, majors, campus life, financial aid and other important factors to consider when choosing a school. At each table, materials and giveaways were provided for students, and they were invited to connect with representatives and ask questions. The fair was open to all students at Old Rochester Regional High School, families and students from surrounding schools in the community. Student Ambassadors volunteered to welcome students and families and helped host the college and military representatives.

            “The ORRHS guidance office believes in the power of student voice, and after hearing how our students wished for a local college fair, we decided to host our own in partnership with the New England Association for College Admissions Counseling,” said Lauren Millette, Director of Guidance. “We had an incredible turnout from the community, and we look forward to hosting additional fairs at ORRHS to meet the needs of all of our students and families!”

            The New England Association for College Admission Counseling (NEACAC) is a New England-based resource organization that provides services and programs for students as they transition from secondary to post-secondary education.

            “Our district recognizes the need for a strong support system when students are starting the college application process,” said Superintendent Nelson. “We look forward to opportunities to aid our students as they consider their next steps after graduation!”

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