The Marion Conservation Commission issued an Order of Conditions, including special conditions to the Marion Lands Trust LLC, paving the way for the construction of a single-family house off Wareham Street on Lot 98 of Map 11.
As the decision was being crafted for the commission’s vote, Marion Conservation Agent Doug Guey-Lee stressed the importance of the town’s ongoing authority to monitor and enforce erosion controls.
Dave Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., represented the applicant at the commission’s May 16 public hearing, displaying a site plan and explaining that access around the wetland dominated the property’s Route 6 frontage has been approved via an easement on the other side of adjacent properties.
The Notice of Intent, explained Davignon, was filed essentially to gain clearance to complete the previously proposed work. Davignon said the property sits in an AE flood zone and, at its lowest, sits 1 foot above grade. The driveway bordering the wetland boundary will have a recharge trench.
Davignon said the plan has changed very little since being originally approved.
Silvershells, LLC, was issued an Order of Conditions, including flood control to carry out the construction of a single-family house on Lewis Street, Map 16, Lot 98A.
Dave Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., represented the applicant, David Croll, whom he said lives on the adjacent property. Davignon described the land and the plan. Davignon said the lot has existed for several decades.
Commissioner Shaun Walsh called site plan, for its location, the least controversial design he’s ever seen.
David Johnson was issued a Negative Box 3 Determination of Applicability for backyard grading and reconstruction of an existing deck at 2 Sassamon Trail. The project is proposing the addition of approximately 40 yards of fill and 20 to 30 yards of topsoil. Erosion control was a condition of the determination.
Mary Ricks filed a Notice of Intent for the construction of two private pickleball courts, associated site work and landscaping at 131 Allen’s Point Road. The commission granted a continuance to June 12.
There is a conservation restriction on the land, land surveyors requested additional time to prepare as the land is within two jurisdictional areas, the buffer zone to the wetlands line and within land subject to coastal-storm flowage.
Susan Wood was issued a Negative Box 2 and 3 Determination for construction of a 10×12-foot greenhouse attached to the front of a house at 42 Stoney Run Lane.
Doubrava said the plan lacked a strategy to prevent runoff into the wetland areas, and Walsh echoed the concern, suggesting preventive measures as a condition for approval.
Krill Carson appeared before the commission to talk about small research weather stations proposed at The Cove and Aucoot Cove. Drawing on his experience as an attorney, Walsh recommended the commission run the matter with a focus on potential liabilities by the town administrator.
Known for her work conserving the turtle population, Carson also talked to the commission about issues at Aucoot Cove.
In regard to notification and photos submitted by a neighbor to an unpermitted, semicircular rock wall 290 Delano Road, Guey-Lee confirmed the property is in the AD Flood zone.
The commission also discussed concerns about a trench proposed for the submersion of utility wires from Front Street to the bandstand and to the Harbormaster building construction at Island Wharf. Guey-Lee said it was not on the original site plan because it was not known where the electrical ran at the time of the vetting process.
Walsh characterized it as a temporary impact. The commission will recommend the filing of a RDA by the town.
In action items, the Dexter Beach Improvement Association c/o Kenneth Parsons was granted a three-year extension to its Order of Conditions at Beach/Dinghy Road.
The commission discussed a letter returned to sender that was intended for Robert Smith regarding unauthorized activity observed at 21 Olde Meadow Road.
The Weweantic Bridge Project was the subject of a notification letter from the Army Corps of Engineers.
The commission discussed a letter from the town’s Board of Health regarding a revised site plan proposing a house and sewage disposal at property on East Avenue.
The next meeting of the Marion Conservation Commission is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, at 7:00 pm at the Police Station.
Marion Conservation Commission
By Mick Colageo