Tree Committee Requests Oversight

            Coming before the Mattapoisett Select Board on March 26 were members of the Mattapoisett Tree Committee and others with a singular message: The creation of a committee to oversee and facilitate not only community engagement but decision-making for the village road reconstruction project is necessary.

            The Tree Committee had asked to be placed on the evening’s agenda to once again stress their assertion that they have not been included in the process, that complete transparency had not been forthcoming from the Select Board office, and that the enormity of the project warrants the establishment of a committee, the sole purpose of which would be to keep the community informed and assist with the overall design of the project.

            Before inviting public comment, Select Board Chairman Jodi Bauer stated that the creation of a committee is not pertinent to a road project. Bauer said she has confidence that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation would do their best and does not want to delay or lose out on $16,000,000 in grant funding.

            Town Administrator Mike Lorenco took umbrage at the notion that the public is not being fully informed, saying, “You know everything I know,” and reminding all in attendance that there have been numerous public meetings regarding the road-construction project.

            Select Board member Jordan Collyer shared that the expected 25% design needing review by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation had missed a deadline, chalking it up to the town’s engineer VHB. The Transportation Improvement Program grant is now slated for distribution in the state’s 2027 budget cycle. That gives the town an additional year to influence the design, he said. Collyer also reminded the meeting members that a public meeting will be scheduled for July.

            Select Board member Tyler Macallister said, if the town doesn’t move forward with this project, it will be left to another board to tackle this complex project and that with other major projects on the horizon, the disposition of the Town Hall building, possible school consolidation and the town’s historic wharves, it was incumbent that the board move forward. He said the road-reconstruction project will be something his grandchildren will benefit from and that delays will only jeopardize the roadways.

            Collyer once again stated that the town has not received the 25% design from VHB.

            “In my humble opinion, let’s analyze what we have (once the documents have been released by VHB),” said Collyer, adding a suggestion to think about other options that might spare the felling of some trees such as making Water Street one-way. “But we don’t have the full picture yet. … This project frustrates me; no one wants taxes to go up. We have other projects to consider.”

            Collyer mentioned the large price tag that the town will be facing when capital projects are funded for infrastructure improvements at Old Rochester Regional High School. “We need to talk together now that we have more time,” he said.

            Tree Committee member Mike Immel rose, saying, “We want to be part of this.” Immel said the people have a right to be fully involved. Other attendees agreed with Immel’s points, including the creation of a committee to assist the town in the design process with VHB and MassDOT. He said that there were residents in the community qualified in architecture and engineering who can help.

Carlos DeSousa, a retired engineer and chairman of the Mattapoisett Marine Advisory Board, wondered aloud how the board would manage a project of this scope. Collyer said the Highway Department would oversee the construction.

            Tree Committee Chairman Sandy Hering also urged the creation of a committee to partner with the Select Board and others in the roadway-reconstruction project. She said that she didn’t want to go the route of a citizen’s petition but would if necessary. She invited the board to vote now for the new committee.

Collyer said, “I will give it appropriate consideration.” But he also said that a citizen’s petition might prove useful because, “…then it will be the will of Town Meeting,” and thus the board would be compelled to follow through in establishing a new committee. He concluded, “You can exercise your right.”

            In other business, the Select Board met with Tech MD, the technology company that has been working with the town on various network programs, hacking fail-safes, and capital planning for future computer needs. The IT team’s presentation listed the following changes in the new contract proposal: comparable cost to FY23, increase in 24/7/365 service for all town IT systems, more townwide efficiencies and unlimited predictable support costs.

            Also coming before the board was King Lion Lynne Foley and member Mike Rosa to discuss the annual Harbor Days event taking place July 18-21. The popular craft booths will be open on July 20 and July 21 with strawberry shortcake and fish fry night still on the menu. The need for traffic review and other safety matters were well in hand, they said. Visit the Lions Club website for more details.

            The board also announced the selection of Chris Canney as building commissioner.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, at 6:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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