Harbormaster Launches New Database

Marion Town Administrator Geoffrey Gorman, Police Chief Richard Nighelli and Harbormaster Adam Murphy are pleased to share that the Marion Harbormaster’s office, a division of the Marion Police Department, has launched a new online database.

            The Town of Marion has contracted with Town Moorings to create a user-friendly online platform, which launched on March 8, to modernize and streamline the billing process. This platform also serves as a way to broadcast messages to the entire Marion boating community, such as harbor updates and storm warnings.

            “We look forward to implementing electronic account viewing and payments through this system for the convenience of our residents and our boating community,” said Town Administrator Gorman.

            Current permit holders will receive a welcome letter with a link that will direct users to create a username and password. In the coming days, if you are not a permit holder you will be able to create an account by visiting marion-ma.townmoorings.com.

            The platform provides users with an easily accessible electronic payment system and the ability to self-manage their personal and vessel information. Users will also have access to the mooring waitlist sign-up, mooring relocation application, boat increase forms, boat berth and kayak waitlist sign-up. This platform allows commercial marinas to manage all of their customers’ mooring permits to ensure accurate data for all vessels moored or stored within the Town of Marion.

            In the coming weeks, mooring inspectors will be able to update mooring permits as inspections are done. This will help streamline the inspection process and prevent late fees for late inspections. One of the most exciting functions added will be the pump-out requests. This function will capture an accurate accounting of the vessels being pumped out, and the boat owner will receive an email receipt when the services are completed.

            Permit holders can expect to receive an email with their invoices. A mailing will also be sent this year to ensure the invoices are received. If you receive an invoice by mail only, the department asks you to please update your information to verify the correct email address. Payments can be made online or by mail.

            Permit-holder payments were due on May 15.

            The information on file for current permit holders has been transferred to the new database. If any information is incorrect or outdated, permit holders are encouraged to contact the Harbormaster’s office at 508-748-3535.

            In 2023, the Marion Harbormaster became a division of the Marion Police Department following new legislation — the Police Accountability and Oversight System — by the Baker-Polito Administration. On Oct. 3, 2023, Officer Adam Murphy was appointed as Harbormaster following the recommendation of Chief Nighelli to the Select Board.

            “This new platform will streamline the process for our permit holders to electronically manage their accounts and will create an efficient way for our department to track mooring obligations, invoices, permits and more,” Harbormaster Murphy said.

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