Hard Armoring Denied

            During the March 11 meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission, the members heard from David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., representing Derek and Kylene Gregiore for a Notice of Intent filing for property located on Goodspeed Island. The applicants are seeking to build a single-family home. The updated plans presented by Davignon detailed the use of hard armoring of the coastal bank in an effort to guard against continued erosion.

            Conservation Commission Chairman Mike King noted that hard-armoring methods and systems were being employed on Nantucket Island, but member David Nicolosi said, “I hate it.” There ensued some debate on the virtues and drawbacks of hard armoring.

            Davignon said that sheet metal put in place as erosion control of the coastal bank was worth consideration. He agreed with Environmental Agent Brandon Faneuf that stormwaters could overtop the panel(s), requiring restoration of the bank.

            Faneuf wondered aloud, “What if the piling gets exposed?” King responded, “They are not designed to get exposed.” He offered that if the commission decided to condition the construction, it could add that any future repairs to the hard-armoring system be done in a timely manner.

            Davignon reminded the commission of its power of enforcement, but Nicolosi held fast to his distaste for hard armoring.

            “It’s going to erode … the engineering notes scouring … it’s a very dynamic area,” said Nicolosi, adding that the town does not have a local bylaw, rendering it impossible for the commission to levy fines or place restrictions on activities over and above the Wetlands Protection Act. “There aren’t any teeth in enforcement orders.”

            Nicolosi also pointed to the issue of wave deflection from the sheet-metal panels, ultimately pushing water away from the panels and onto neighboring properties.

            King was inclined to continue the NOI for two weeks to give the commission additional time to study the hard-armoring option, but in the end and at Nicolosi’s urging hard armoring was denied. King said, “They can appeal our decision to the DEP.” An Order of Conditions was issued absent hard armoring but with the condition that coastal-bank work be completed before occupancy.

            Also coming before the commission was Sara Quintal of the Buzzards Bay Coalition and Mike Huguenin to discuss the Enforcement Orders put in place after winter storms disabled “The Bogs” irrigation systems from preventing sediment runoff.

            On this night, it was noted by Faneuf’s assistant, Samantha Carew, that although weather systems have continued to keep groundwater and stormwaters high, The Bogs ditch systems and catchment areas were working. Nicolosi interjected that some water appeared cloudy, suggesting sediment movement, but overall the on-site teams have been responsive.

            Huguenin said, given that the BBC has complied, could the Enforcement Orders be lifted. That request was denied pending a decision by the Select Board on whether or not the town will be seeking sediment testing for harmful chemicals on the former agricultural site that may have been released during this winter’s flooding episodes.

            In other business, Caroline’s Way Trust, 0 Goodspeed Island Road’s application for the construction of a five-bed, single-family home was conditioned with the additional condition that coastal-bank restoration be completed before occupancy. Also conditioned was a NOI filed by Tracey White, 70 Aucoot Road, for the clearing of some wooded areas for the creation of a lawn and gravel driveway.

            A Negative Box 2 decision was granted to Ian Brady for the construction of a detached garage at 1 Mattakiset Road.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, March 25, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Conservation Commission

By Marilou Newell

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