If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Peeking up through the crusty old sticks and leaves, the wonder of rebirth dazzles our senses. And gardeners throughout the world are looking for their gloves, rakes and trowels to help Mother Nature with her magic transformation.
The Marion Garden Group has not been idle these last few months. Enlightening, informative programs have been held via Zoom. In-person meetings resume in March. Plans are underway for refurbishing the beautification projects around town. Window boxes, planters, urns and of course the horse trough will be tended by MGG teams of volunteers. Tree tagging continues too.
The popular Plant Sale will be held on May 11 in Bicentennial Park. Annuals, perennials, cuttings and bulbs from local gardens plus seedlings nurtured over the winter will be for sale at the biannual event. For more information, please visit MGG website: www. mariongardengroup.org.