Kathleen Costello, 51 North Street, has pulled nomination papers indicating a potential run against Jodi Bauer for the latter’s Mattapoisett Select Board seat. Bauer had already returned her papers, confirming a bid for re-election.
The Mattapoisett School Committee terms of Jim Muse and Tiffini Reedy are up this year. Neither had pulled nomination papers as of February 20, but two potential candidates have: Kathleen McArdle and Jack Lebrun.
Alan Apperson has pulled papers for Leonard Coppola’s expiring three-year term on the Mattapoisett Board of Assessors. Coppola has also pulled papers, indicating a bid for re-election.
Lizanne Campbell has pulled papers to run for the expiring seat as Mattapoisett’s town moderator. John Eklund, the incumbent, had not pulled papers as of February 20.
Mattapoisett incumbents who have pulled papers indicating a run for re-election include: Library Trustees William Osier and Elizabeth Sylvia; Planning Board member Tom Tucker; Chuck McCullough (Housing Authority), Community Preservation Committee members James Pierson and Susan Wilbur and Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer.
Other terms set to expire in Mattapoisett include Albert Meninno Jr. (Water/Sewer Commissioners) and Russell Bailey (Board of Health.)
Rochester resident Portia Silk has pulled papers indicating a run for a seat on the Trustees of the Plumb Library in Rochester. As of Monday, no incumbents had pulled papers. The terms of Library Trustees Chair Kelley Medeiros and Co-Chair Shauna Makuch expire this year.
The 2024 Mattapoisett Town Election will be held on Tuesday, May 21. The deadline in Mattapoisett to pull papers is Friday, March 29, and the deadline to return them is Tuesday, April 2.
Rochester Select Board member Paul Ciaburri has pulled and returned papers, making official his bid for re-election. As of Monday, no challenger had pulled papers.
Also returning papers confirming his bid for re-election was Rochester Water Commission member David Hughes. Four other Rochester incumbents have pulled papers, indicating they will run for re-election: Robin Rounseville (Rochester School Committee), Matthew Monteiro (Old Rochester Regional School Committee), Michael C. Murphy (Planning Board; and David Arancio (Town Moderator.)
The 2024 Rochester Town Election will be held on Wednesday, May 22. The deadline in Rochester to pull papers is Monday, April 1, and the deadline to return them is Wednesday, April 3.
In Marion, Diane Lopes Flaherty has returned nomination papers, confirming her challenge to Randy Parker for his expiring seat on the Select Board. Parker had already returned his nomination papers, making his re-election bid official.
Alanna Nelson has returned papers, confirming her bid to run for re-election to the Planning Board; Jon Henry has pulled papers indicating he will also run for re-election. Dr. John Howard has returned papers confirming his re-election bid to the Board of Health. Chairperson April Nye and member Michelle Smith have pulled papers indicating they will run for re-election to the Marion School Committee (Smith is also chair of the ORR School Committee.)
Also pulling papers in Marion are incumbents Brad Gordon (town moderator) and George TJ Walker (Board of Assessors.)
The Marion Town Election will be held on Friday, May 17. The deadline in Marion to return papers is Monday, March 25.
Tri-Town Elections
By Mick Colageo