Mattapoisett Yacht Club Results

There were two beautiful sailing nights this week for the Tuesday and Wednesday races. The Ensigns raced in a shifty and dying wind but that didn’t hinder Black Ice as they won both races. Odyssey got second for the night with a second and third, and Brou Ha Ha got a fourth and second placing them one point behind Odyssey for third for the night. Hamburgler finishes one point behind Brou Ha Ha in fourth. It’s still a very tight series with one week to go.

Series standings to date:

            In the Wednesday Night PHRF Racing, Class A, Restless lead the way in this Wednesday night race which now places her in first overall for the August series. Second place for the night goes to No Quarter Given with Coconuts placing third. In B Class, it was Chickadee with a 45 second win over Firn a Tine. Third place went to Kinsail.

            Close races for both classes and like the Ensigns, one week to go.

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