The Marion Village Historic District Study Committee will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm at the Marion Music Hall.
This public presentation will explain the Study Committee’s progress since being formed last winter. Preservation consultant Eric Dray will present a brief history of Marion Village and its architectural styles – a village which he believes is “the most intact historic town center on the South Coast.” He will explain how the area’s historical development informed the proposed district boundaries, how the historic district process would benefit our community and how a design review process might look for Marion. There will be an open floor for questions from Village residents and others.
Will Tifft, Chair of the Study Committee, will also present the results of the survey sent to property owners in June. The positive results of that survey have guided the Committee in its selection of a design review process that focuses on demolition, new construction and new additions. Routine maintenance, replacement-in-kind and minor alterations would in most cases be excluded from review.
All Marion residents are invited to attend and learn more.