Liability Insurance Debated

During the July 27 meeting of the Marine Advisory Board, member Bob Moore introduced the subject of whether or not boats in Mattapoisett Harbor and those permitted to tie up at the wharves should be required to have liability insurance.

            In a follow-up, Moore explained that he was aware that many towns require liability insurance. Calling it simply “common sense,” Moore said that we are required to have liability insurance on cars, so “why not on boats?” He said it could easily be added to the recently updated and approved Waterways Rules and Regulations.

            But when the topic was broached during the meeting, other members were against it. Several complained there are enough rules and regulations already, thus have no appetite to revisit and modify the currently enforceable regulations. That matter was tabled for the time being, but MAB Chairman Carlos DeSousa said he would check with other cities and towns for their policies, if any.

            A second part of the insurance conversation also brought up by Moore was whether or not the town was added as an additional insured party on municipal projects. A follow-up call to Town Administrator Mike Lorenco confirmed that part of the bidding process requires contractors to prove insurance coverage that indemnifies the town in the event of a liability.

            In other business, DeSousa reported that borings on Long Wharf have confirmed that substrate material includes rocks and layers of packed sand and that the condition of the underwater material is good for planned repair work. DeSousa said there is still a long way to go, as design has not begun, but that final designs will include the ability to raise the height of the wharf if needed due to sea-level rise.

            DeSousa also reported that a $20,000 Coastal Zone Management grant for the Holmes Wharf seawall was in hand and that the long-anticipated dredging project between Holmes and Long Wharf will be performed by the town’s Highway Department – date to be announced.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Marine Advisory Board is scheduled for Thursday, August 31, at 7:00 pm.

Mattapoisett Marine Advisory Board

By Marilou Newell

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