The Town of Rochester was approved for another liquor license, and it will be used only at the incoming Route 28 Cranberry Highway Smart Growth Overlay District, according to Town Administrator Glenn Cannon.
That item was one of the few discussed during a quick 10-minute meeting of the Rochester Select Board on Tuesday. The board did go into executive session but had little business to discuss during open session.
Cannon said one more liquor license is available, and the Select Board petitioned State Senator Michael Rodrigues. Now that will be used for the Route 28 development, which is a 40R project.
According to the state website, these projects encourage communities to create dense residential or mixed-use smart growth zoning districts, “including a high percentage of affordable housing units, to be located near transit stations, in areas of concentrated development.”
In other business, Select Board member Adam Murphy asked Cannon to look into some issues with the town website (
Some developers and builders were able to complete applications online, but that feature has had issues lately. An online process makes it easier for both businesses and residents to complete applications at home to save time.
Murphy also encouraged Cannon to review the town’s social media and Facebook policy.
The board learned that RMS Solar would like to renegotiate pricing for an approved project to develop a solar canopy at the Rochester Memorial School parking lot. The company cited rising construction costs, officials say.
The Select Board agreed to return to its Monday night meeting schedule at the end of the month.
Rochester Select Board
By Jeffrey D. Wagner