After engineer David Davignon of Schneider, Davignon & Leone, Inc., went through a list of changes previously requested by the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission for a Notice of Intent filing for proposed work at 89 Mattapoisett Neck Road, it was determined during Monday night’s public meeting that the case would be continued.
It was noted that the town’s contract agent, Brandon Faneuf, had not had an opportunity to make a site visit, a necessary site review to ensure plans met requirements for the construction of a wharf over wetlands.
The property is owned by A. Mueller Trust Declaration. The proposed pier would give the residents access to water from which a small boat with shallow draft could be launched. Details include 74 feet of fixed structure with an additional 28 feet for the gangway and float. Plans indicate the use of pressure-treated pilings, and that presented a problem for the commission’s newest member, David Nicolosi.
When first presented to the commission during the June 26 meeting, Nicolosi broached the subject, saying he wasn’t in favor of pressure-treated lumber being used because the chemicals would eventually leach into the water. On this night, he revisited that concern.
“It’s a pristine area,” said Nicolosi, referring to the shoreline and marine area. He said if the area were a marina or other seaside location already closed to shell fishing, his opinion might be different. He said there are environmentally safe materials that in his opinion, should be used. Commissioner Barry Lima agreed.
Chairman Mike King turned to Davignon, who said he would discuss the matter with his client before returning for further review. The filing was continued to the commission’s July 24 meeting.
Also continued until that date was a NOI filed by the Crescent Beach Improvement Association. Also represented the client on this application, Davignon said the organization was seeking permission to widen several beach-access streets composed primarily of bordering beach grass and sand, as well as perform some beach nourishment and seaweed removal.
Davignon said the goal was to maintain the beach for area residents and provide improved emergency access to what amounted to pathways to the beach.
Lima said, if approved, the activity should be conditioned so that maintenance equipment not be stored on the beach and that refueling not take place on the beach. The filing was continued to July 24 to allow for commissioners to make a site visit and review proposed staking of vegetated areas. Further comments from the Department of Environmental Protection are pending.
A NOI filed by Caroline’s Way Trust, 1 Goodspeed Island Road, was conditioned for the repair of storm-damaged slope and organic seawall. There were no comments from the state Department of Environmental Protection, Davignon reported, as he represented this applicant as well. The project was approved with additional conditions of washed cobble stones, sand analysis to be performed, no machinery storage on the beach and no refueling on the beach.
Also conditioned was a NOI filed by Andris Rieksts and Lisa Francis, 0 Park Place, for the construction of a single-family home.
A Certificate of Compliance intended for Daniel Lee III and Tracey Lee, 42 Church Street, was considered invalid as work never commenced. This clears the way for the selling of the home.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Conservation Commission is scheduled for Monday, July 24, at 6:30 pm.
Mattapoisett Conservation Commission
By Marilou Newell