January Machacam Meeting

The Machacam Club will hold its January meeting on the January 4 at the Legion Hall, 3 Depot Street. Social time is 5:30 pm, dinner at 6:00 pm.

The speaker this month will be Carol “Krill” Carson, a Professor of Marine Biology at Bridgewater State College. Carol is also the President of the New England Coastal Wildlife Alliance, a volunteer, nonprofit dedicated to the protection and conservation of the coastal marine wildlife that call our New England Coasts home. NECWA provides data and educational programs to other professional and public entities on Basking Sharks and Sunfish. Carol’s topic for meeting involves the maintenance of a standing response team for stranded Sunfish on our shores which occur each fall.

What do you do with a 7-foot, 600-pound fish that strands on a beach? All reports of her presentation have been extremely positive making this meeting a definite “Don’t Miss” for Machacam members.

Callers are asked to bear in mind the importance of call list accuracy. Please report your lists not later than 9:00 pm on January 2 by calling 508-758-9311 or e-mail gpfnr@aol.com. Members may make last minute changes by calling the same phone number or e-mail no later than 9:00 am on January 3.

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