Marion Board of Health

To the Editor;

            In response to comments made at the Board of Health meeting of June 15, 2023 I offer the following:

            Prior to 2000 the present retention pond area at Silvershell Beach was mostly unused public land which was developed into a stormwater retention system to capture and treat polluted runoff from Converse Road and its side streets. It was never proclaimed off limits to townspeople nor was it designated to be part of the public beach.

            Some years after the retention ponds were built, during the years 2016-1017, concern that the lack of frequent maintenance of encroaching vegetation would impact the system led to a community supported effort to rehabilitate the stormwater control feature.

            An informal plan was drawn by Davis Land Design, Inc. showing a frequently mowed & maintained area. The plan included a wide mowed walking path to keep the area from being overtaken by invasives. The plan also responded to calls by local dog owners who expressed a wish to have an alternative place to walk from May to October.  It showed 2 benches for those wishing to walk and rest as well as a trash barrel placed in the parking lot, reachable over the fence by dog owners to deposit waste bags (where the DPW could easily access it). This placement would make it simple for dog owners to pick up and dispose of waste without entering the beach parking lot.

            This plan was presented to a group of town members including Paul Dawson (the Town Manager), Sherm Briggs, Jody Dickerson, myself, and others where it was approved on condition of approval by the Conservation Commission and the Selectman. It was subsequently approved by all.

            The town cleared invasives, top dressed with compost, and reseeded. Benches were donated by local dog owners – Friends of the Pond Path. Jody placed a trash can within easy reach. Delivery and placement of the 2 new benches were facilitated with the help of Sherman & Alice Briggs.

            Local dog owners are aware that their dogs are not allowed at any time on the beach between May 1 & October 1 and are respectful of that bylaw.  While many towns allow access before 8 am and after 8pm we recognize that a robust recreational program at Silvershell informed the decision to prohibit all use in Marion during beach season.

            We applaud Dr. Howard’s suggestion of a waste bag dispenser. In fact, several years ago we provided and continue to stock one. We would welcome informational signage referencing the delicate nature of the area. Education around stormwater and our delicate ecosystems is critically important and should be presented whenever appropriate, as we do on other local public lands.

            There are at present 2 openings to the area, one at each end of the fence surrounding the currently well-maintained areas. These openings were created by DPW to facilitate their entry with large mowers. I can see how there might be some confusion about the best entry point for those who drive in to walk their dogs. I live close by so have always walked in at the North end of the path which means that I don’t have to enter the parking lot. Perhaps a sign clarifying how to enter or a designated spot for dog owners to park would solve that issue.

            I believe we can all agree that healthy ecosystems and abundant wildlife are part of what we love about this space. I feel confident that any and all dog owners would be heartily supportive of the bylaw – referenced penalties levied on any individual who might allow their dog to harass resident species.

            While we agree that presently the Board of Health has no jurisdiction in this matter, it goes without saying that clear detection of high percentages of dog-related waste in Sprague’s Cove would warrant further discussion.

            Respectfully submitted,

 Susannah Davis, Marion

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  1. Lee Hayes says:

    This is an excellent summary by Susannah. I might add that after we constructed the retention ponds , the reduction in storm water runoff improved the water quality at and off Silvershell , in Spragues Cove and behind Stewart’s Island by a major amount.

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