BookRemarks: from Plumb Library

Greetings from Plumb Library!  Welcome to BookRemarks, our new monthly feature focusing on all things library related!

            Allow me to introduce you to our Library of Things!  What on Earth is that, you may be wondering? Well, it’s basically a collection that lives in the Library that is comprised of items that are not “traditional” Library stuff. From cake pans to podcast stations to snap circuits to lawn games, more and more Libraries are offering “things” to their patrons. This is a great way to try-it-before-you-buy-it, experiment with a new hobby, or supplement a weekend activity. The Plumb Library’s Things include a telescope, a ukulele, an energy meter, a yarn winder and snowshoes for kids and adults, WiFi hotspots and MOBY backpacks. All of these items can be checked out with your library card, except for the yarn winder which is currently only for in-library use. Anything from the Library of Things circulates for one week and can be reserved by contacting the Library, either by phone or email. Wouldn’t it be great fun to learn to strum a tune on the ukulele in time for your next BBQ? Maybe you want to catch a glimpse of the International Space Station the next time it flies over. Perhaps you’re concerned about increased energy costs and you’d like to measure the efficiency of your appliances with the Kill-a-Watt. And with summer coming up, it’s a great time to grab a MOBY pack and explore the outdoors with your kids or grandkids. Do you have suggestions or wish list items you’d like to see added to our Library of Things? Let us know! As always, your Library Staff, Kristen, Jen, Lisa and Bridget are here to help you find what you need. Feel free to call (508-763-8600) or email us ( with any questions. Better yet, come by and say hello!

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