On April 3, the Mattapoisett Planning Board heard from member Nathan Ketchel regarding the establishment and first meeting of the Holy Ghost Grounds Committee, a committee charged with exploring use options for the publicly held acreage off Park Street, formally known as the Holy Ghost Grounds.
Ketchel is the Planning Board’s representative on the committee, which is currently five members, but Ketchel said two spots remain open. Interested parties should contact the Select Board office. The committee includes representatives from the Recreation and Highway departments, other town boards and members of the public.
Town Administrator Mike Lorenco gave a brief history and current state of the site at the committee’s initial meeting, which then focused on what might be developed on the parcel. Such possibilities include a dog park, community garden and rental building, which is currently being updated for family parties, such as weddings and showers.
Ketchel said he’ll draw up a conceptual plan of what might be possible at the site to aid the committee in selecting plans to share with the public for comment. Regarding the dog park, he said that committee members wondered aloud how enforcement of rules would be handled, including the need for all pets to be vaccinated, obey park rules and that waste be removed.
The public land has also been noted in conceptual plans for the bike path Phase 2a. Ketchel reported that new bathrooms have been installed, and work continues on other updates, making it a viable rest stop for cyclists and others.
Ketchel also told the board members that the now-complete 2024 Master Plan has not been reviewed by the Select Board, nor by Town Counsel. Ketchel anticipates that work is being conducted before Town Meeting 2024, thus he said it will not appear in the May 2023 Town Meeting Warrant.
In other matters, a Form A, Approval Not Required, was approved for Lots 70 and 65 on Oakland and Foster streets.
Before adjourning, Planning Board Chairman Tom Tucker thanked retiring member Arlene Fidalgo for her years of service on the board.
The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Planning Board is scheduled for Monday, May 1, at 7:00 pm.
Mattapoisett Planning Board
By Marilou Newell