Warrant Closed in Mattapoisett

            The March 28 Mattapoisett Select Board meeting might have been the shortest yet, but it was filled with the business of managing the town.

            The board closed the FY24 Town Meeting warrant containing 29 articles. Town Administrator Mike Lorenco said that most of the articles are standard and primarily related to finances and spending. However, there may be several articles brought forward to the voters by voters touching on such issues as dog waste in public areas, the establishment of a cemetery commission, a solar bylaw and an article asking the voters to support via funding Old Colony Regional Vocational-Technical High School’s need for a master-plan study of the facility conditions and potential expansion. A copy of the warrant will be posted on the town’s website, Lorenco said.

            The board moved and approved use of American Rescue Plan Act funds in the amount of $510,000 for sewer and water-line replacement necessitated by the antiquity of the underground systems that failed on Oakland Street. Regulations on how ARPA funding may be used by municipalities allow for infrastructural projects. Lorenco said that while the street is open for the sewer work, water and gas piping will also be updated. Piping in this area dates back to the early 20th century, it was noted.

            Another much needed system repair and upgrade is that of a failing culvert on Pine Island Road. Highway Surveyor Garrett Bauer said that a grant in the amount of $200,000 (Mattapoisett to make a 10% match) is being sought and asked the board to approve a letter of endorsement for the project to be included with the grant documentation required. Lorenco said a stream is currently running freely under the roadway, highlighting the need to replace the crumbled box culvert.

            The board accepted the resignations of Trevor Francis from the Conservation Commission and E. Robert Garde as plumbing inspector, and the appointments of Christopher Brennan to the Cultural Council and Virginia Nelson to the Agricultural Commission.

            A public hearing was held for prescribed changes to the Waterfront Rules and Regulations. Lorenco said no public comments were received during the time the document was publicly posted. No comments were made during the public hearing. The hearing was closed and the updated document approved.

            Lorenco said that a public meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 12, to discuss Phase 2A of the Mattapoisett Bike Path. This section will take users from Depot Street to the entrance of Industrial Drive.

            The next meeting of the Mattapoisett Select Board is planned for Tuesday, April 11, at 6:30 pm.

Mattapoisett Select Board

By Marilou Newell

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