Mattapoisett Library Watercolor Events

Visit the library this week and next to participate in Weird and Wonderful Watercolors. Starting Saturday, February 25 at 1 pm, join us for Weird and Wonderful Watercolors for Adults and Teens. We will create beautiful watercolor paintings using surprising materials: water-based markers, sharpies, artists’ Bristol paper and white crayons. Participants will be able to explore the art form and can create up to three unique watercolor paintings. Recommended for ages 12 and up.

            A second Weird and Wonderful Watercolors will take place specifically for children on Tuesday, February 28 at 3:15 pm. This event will function very similarly to the previous, but catering to children ages 6 and up.

            As a bonus, both of these events will begin work on a community acrylic painting, and all participants will have the opportunity to contribute. When the paintings are complete, they will be on display in the library.

            Registration is required for both programs.

            All programs are free and open to the public. If you have any questions or need special accommodations, please contact the library at 508-758-4171 or email

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