Rochester Cultural Council Grantees

The Rochester Cultural Council is excited to announce that we have awarded $5,800 in grant funds to support 12 projects in 2023. Grants ranged from $150 to $750 and were awarded in the categories of arts, sciences, and humanities. Emphasis was placed on funding programs that benefited Rochester residents and are to be held locally in town as well as projects that are free to participants or available at a reduced rate.

            The RCC is proud to be able to announce our support the following grantees for FY23: Mattapoisett Land Trust, Friends of Old Rochester Drama, Vincent Lovegrove Jr., MUSIC, Marion Art Center, New Bedford Museum and Art Center, Onset Bay Association, Rochester Historical Society, Rochester Memorial School PTO, Sippican Choral Society, South Coast Children’s Chorus and the Tri-County Music Association. All events are ongoing through December 31, 2023. For more detailed information of events, please visit the MA Cultural Council website at or our Facebook page.

            The Rochester Cultural Council is a group of volunteers appointed by the Rochester Select Board for three-year terms. Our mission is to promote excellence, access and diversity in the arts, humanities and sciences to enhance the quality of life in Rochester. The RCC strives to achieve these goals by diligently evaluating grant requests and allocating the funds provided by the Mass Cultural Council to projects best serving Rochester residents. The Rochester Cultural Council is always recruiting new members. Please visit our town website at and get in touch with a member of the council to learn more.

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