Emergency Preparedness

This is the perfect time to think about and prepare for emergencies and disasters as Massachusetts faces a variety of hazards – weather related or others throughout the year.

            If you feel that you would require assistance in an emergency, we would like to have a discussion with you so we can prepare a plan that will be ready to go when needed.

            -If you rely on medical equipment at your residence that requires electricity

            -If you would require transportation to a shelter when such a need arises or live in a known flood zone

            -If you have a communication-related disability, we need to know the best way to communicate in an emergency state

            -If you take medications, we need a list

            -If there is any other targeted assistance that you may need

            Please call the Council on Aging at 508-748-3570 so we can compile this information which will be reported to Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). We want to be prepared.

            We encourage residents and family members, who may reside out of town to sign up for E- alerts from the Town of Marion. (visit   marionma.gov/subscribe)

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