Mattapoisett Celebrates the Season

December 10 was a grand day in Mattapoisett, in spite of the misty precipitation and gray skies. Two holiday events brought out community members in celebration. At noontime, a vocal concert was held in the reading room of the Mattapoisett Library.

            Opera singers from the Seaglass Theater performers delighted a standing-room-only crowd. Comprised of soprano Patrice Tiedemann, who is also the artistic director, Mezzo-soprano Emily Harmon, tenor Chris Hunter, baritone Paul Soper and accompanied by Dr. Matthew Larson on the piano, the musical arrangements and pitch-perfect voices brought professional luster and set the stage for the day.

            The performers, all highly talented and respected as individual singers, sang well-known holiday favorites, including show tunes with a wintery theme. As their voices soared and blended, the audience was transfixed.

            Tiedemann has been a soloist with the Boston Pops and Boston Lyric Opera. Harmon recently appeared in “White Christmas” with the New Bedford Festival Theatre and was a world finalist for Jette Parker Young Artist Program at Covent Garden in London. Hunter is a master’s candidate at the Boston University School of Music and has performed with the Los Angeles Opera. Soper’s credits include performances with the New York Opera and Lyric Stage in Boston. Larson is the music director of Seaglass Theater Company and is a faculty member of Boston University Opera Institute. He also received a Grammy Award for his work on the movie “Fantastic Mr. Fox.”

            At 3:00 pm over at Shipyard Park, families gathered for the annual holiday tree lighting and festival. A dozen local restaurants donated food for merrymakers that included everything from Asian-influenced hot dishes to casseroles with an Italian flair. There were donuts, cookies and candy for those with a sweet tooth. And, of course, hot chocolate.

            The annual event was held in partnership with the Lions Club, which collected canned foods and unwrapped toys that will be donated locally.

            And although the food and fun were a big draw, the real hit of the day was the arrival of Santa Claus on a firetruck. Driving the engine bringing Santa to Shipyard Park was none other than Select Board member and Fire Department Captain Jordan Collyer.

            Santa climbed down into the crowd of excited little children to take up his chair, accompanied by his wife, to hear the children’s biggest wishes. (Mr. and Mrs. Claus were played by real-life marital partners Milton and Catherine Heuberger. Mrs. Claus by day is the well-known town clerk.)

            In the big tent placed on the lawn of the historic park, the food aromas whetted many an appetite with food being spooned out to waiting plates by Select Board members Tyler Macallister and Jodi Bauer. Also filling those plates to overflowing was Town Administrator Mike Lorenco.

            Back outside, picture opportunities abounded with the Christmas tree fully decorated by the students of Center School. On the little stars, children placed their innocent wishes with more than one noting love and peace. The really big Adirondack hosted many a pictorial memory, as parents raised their little ones onto the oversized chair.

            Walking around the park posing with families was a reindeer (Ashling McLoughlin), an elf (Jen Scott) and Frosty the Snowman (Brian Hiller.) While over in the gazebo, the Old Hammondtown Elementary School Band played traditional favorites.

            One of the prime movers in pulling together all the moving parts of such a large event was Christine Richards, assistant to Town Operations. Richards said, “We are lucky to have such generous businesses.” As for the work of putting on such an enormous party, she said, “Everyone pulled together a real team effort.”

            Many other Town Hall employees and municipal workers made the community party a big success, including the Harbormaster, Fire and Highway departments.

By Marilou Newell

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