The Marion Board of Selectmen approved and closed the warrant for the Special Town Meeting to be held on Monday, November 26 at 7:00 pm in the Sippican School. The Board approved the warrant at their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 16 in Marion Town Hall.
The warrant is comprised of five total articles. The first two articles were recommended by the Community Preservation Committee. The first article asks for $84,300 to be distributed among the Open Space Committee, Community Housing and Historic Resources. The second article proposes giving $30,000 to the Buzzards Bay Area Habitat for Humanity from various accounts in town.
The third and fourth articles propose changes to the wording of certain bylaws in town. The fifth and final article is asking for $26,500 of the town’s free cash to perform mold remediation services in the basement of the Marion Town House.
In other news, Selectman Jody Dickerson voiced concerns about special privilege stickers given to residents in the town of Rochester. According to Dickerson, the residents are purchasing their beach stickers through the town of Rochester in order to access beaches in Marion, however, Dickerson claims the town of Marion is not seeing any of the revenue from those stickers purchased.
“I understand why they’re doing it, I just think some of the revenue should come back to Marion,” said Dickerson. “I just wish they helped us out a little bit more.”
Town Administrator Paul Dawson said that in years past, Rochester had paid money when they received invoices, but the town of Marion has not issued invoices in a few years. Dawson recommended bringing this issue up at a joint Selectmen meeting in the future.
Dawson updated the Board on the status of both the Marion Natural History Museum ceiling collapse restoration as well as the replacement of the lights outside of the Marion Music Hall. Both projects will be open to bid on October 23, and Dawson hopes both projects will be ready for the selectmen to make recommendations for contractors at their next meeting.
“We’ve had a lot of interest for both buildings,” said Dawson.
Lastly, Dawson recommended a change in the town employee schedule due to the upcoming holidays. Historically, town employees have worked half days on both the day before Thanksgiving and on Christmas Eve. However, Dawson proposed working a full day the day before Thanksgiving and having all of Christmas Eve off this year, since Christmas Day falls on a Tuesday. The Board voted in favor of this change.
“I think it will be better for the town employees in general and better for the heating of the building,” Dawson said.
The Marion Board of Selectmen will meet again on Tuesday, November 6 at 7:00 pm in the Marion Town House.
By Katy Fitzpatrick