Library Lines up Candidates Lined

The Joseph H. Plumb Library Board of Trustees met on August 18 to update members on the search for a new library director.

            After the sudden resignation of former Library Director Jennifer Woodward on August 5 after only a month on the job, trustees were mum on explaining why Woodward exited so soon.

            “It was her choice to resign for personal reasons,” board cochair Kelly Medeiros said before discussion began. “And that’s all we’re going to say.”

            But the trustees were happy the search for Woodward’s replacement has already begun. Medeiros noted that 11 candidates have applied for the position, including three applicants from the first search that led to hiring Woodward. The remaining six of the eleven will be considered after the first five have been interviewed and/or disqualified.

            Medeiros said the advertisement seeking applicants will run until the board decides to stop running it. “To be determined,” she said. The trustees noted that for this position a bachelor’s degree is required and a Master’s in Library Sciences is recommended.

            Trustee Kimberly Burt reported that two candidates were to be interviewed on August 19, but out of the five top picks chosen for the first round of interviews, Burt said, two applicants have already stepped back, changing their minds about wanting to leave their current librarian positions.

            In the interest of hiring someone soon, Medeiros motioned to change the board’s next meeting to Thursday, August 25, to discuss the status of the search process. The board’s next regular meeting would have otherwise been September 5.

            During the public-comment segment that preceded the trustees’ discussion, resident Missy Farias asked to whom the general public should turn when there is a complaint against a librarian and there is no library director. “If there is a future issue with a person in charge, how does the chain of command work?” she asked.

            Medeiros said if there is a complaint, that person should go to the Board of Trustees. “If it’s an emergency of some kind,” she added, “I’ll be happy to answer personally.”

            Moving beyond this issue, the board next reviewed and approved a new Meeting Room policy and application form for the two newly renovated rooms on the lower level.

            Both the larger room and the smaller one that can be closed off by French doors will be available for public rental. Rentals involving food must be placed in the smaller room because of its tile floor.

            The next meeting of the Library Trustees is scheduled for Thursday, August 25, at 6:30 pm in the lower-level meeting room of the Plumb Library.

Rochester Library Trustees

By Michael J. DeCicco

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