The Mattapoisett Historical Commission is pleased to announce that Christopher Skelly of Skelly Preservation Services has been selected to complete a town wide Survey Plan which will make recommendations for updating Mattapoisett’s historic and cultural resources. The last survey of historic properties was completed in the early 1980’s, and it is necessary that the original survey be expanded and updated to be fully compliant with present day State standards.
The Mattapoisett Historical Commission was established in 1973 by Mattapoisett Town Meeting under the guidance of Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 40, Section 8D. The primary goal of a local historical commission is community-wide historic preservation planning. This consists of three steps: Identification, Evaluation and Protection of historic resources throughout the community. The survey plan will prioritize and focus on key points, provide an analysis of the existing property survey, analyze the historic property survey needs and recommend an action plan.
Once a plan is developed, it will be necessary to move forward with the next phase which is to complete the inventory forms. Inventory forms are the primary means for recording information on the history, location and appearance of resources. They are digitized in an easily accessible database and are available on the state website (MACRIS.) The information serves as a basis for determining if properties are eligible for listing in the National Historic Register. The National Historic Register is a formal recognition of the significance of a property in the nation’s history, culture, architecture or archeology. The information is also valuable to homeowners interested in the history of their properties, and it serves as a valuable tool for the greater community’s appreciation and understanding of its history and culture.