A Senior Citizens Thank You for Random Acts of Kindness.

To the Editor;

            A Senior Citizens Thank You for Random Acts of Kindness. Our annual family visit in Marion was interrupted this summer by my knee replacement surgery which took place in early June. Recovery and Rehab began with short walks, bandaged and with crutches along the street near the town beach. My wife and I have been amazed at the dozens of fellow walkers, runners and bikers and motorists who stopped to offer encouragement at my weekly progress. Over time, as the two crutches gave way to one crutch, a cane, and finally to normal walking, our cheering squad expanded to include local tradesmen, landscapers, individual drivers, and many random passers-by. Every day we experienced the comments, humor, and cheers from so many wonderful people.

            In the polarized and often negative atmosphere of today’s world it is so refreshing and uplifting to be reminded by our cheering squad that concern and kindness are alive and well in our Marion neighborhood. Please know that you are all so very appreciated!

David Manning, Marion

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