Countdown to Taste of the Town Is On

The countdown is on, and the members of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club are busy getting ready to welcome our guests to the celebration of the 17th Annual Taste of the Town! There are only a few days left until it will be 5:00 pm on July 12, and we can open the doors at the Lions Club’s big white Harbor Days’ tent in Shipyard Park in Mattapoisett, and the fun to be had at the 17th Annual Taste of the Town will begin!

            Remember, tickets cost $10 for 10 tickets, and besides some cash or your credit card, all you need to bring to the festivities is your good spirits (and maybe a picnic blanket if you and your family want to spread out in Shipyard Park.) Be ready for an evening of terrific food, wonderful entertainment, a great atmosphere and the highly anticipated opportunity to meet up with family, neighbors and friends from far and wide to spend a delightful evening together! 

            Since parking around the event is sure to be hard to find, keep in mind that we have arranged for a free Shuttle Bus to run to and from the Taste to St. Anthony’s Church’s parking lot and the Town Beaches throughout the evening. 

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